Breakfast for Champs!

11:00 Presh_dr 0 Comments

Hey lovelies, 

Is it too late to have a new year's resolution? Well, mine would be to have a healthy nutritious breakfast like this every morning (but maybe a smaller portion, I got a bit carried away). 
I decided to try something new, I must admit I usually do not have the time in the mornings to make breakfast, and tend to go for faster options such as: cereal bars, smoothies or fruits as I head off to hospital. I'm pretty sure we've all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but somehow we still manage to either have nothing or eat chocolates or cookies! But since it's still the new year and new improved me, I'm really trying to make sure I eat clean and stay active. 

It was almost to pretty to eat it, haha who am I kidding, it was gone within seconds!

-Half a cup of granola 
-Fat free Greek yogurt

-Rye bread 
-Mozzarella cheese

Fruit bowl

Thanks for reading.



How I Reduced my Pores

00:37 Presh_dr 2 Comments

Hey lovelies,

I thought I'd dedicate a post on pores, and how I managed to reduce and unclog them. A couple of months ago my skin was not at its best state, I would usually blame it on exams and stress blah blah, but really it's not an excuse.Consequently I developed really bad pores, especially around my nose! It was so bad to the point that my sister described my nose as looking like a strawberry. Let's just take a moment to think about that...
That pretty much triggered me to take better care of my skin, I'm currently suffering from acne and acne scarring, but I'm hoping for that to clear up really soon. I have tried so many skin care products in the past, from high end products to local drug store products. However, expensive products does not necessarily mean better quality. In the future I may give a review on what I've used and what I thought. 

What are pores?
Pores are openings in the skin that allow secretion of sweat or oils onto the surface of the skin. The problematic pores are the ones that allow passage of oils through a canal called a follicle.  This follicle contain hair and oil producing glands called sebaceous glands. The purpose of the oil is to keep the skin lubricated, help remove dead skin, and prevent drying of skin. 
Sweat pores are not visible with the naked eye, it is therefore the oil secreting pores that usually get clogged up with dead skin, oils, and debris that cause enlargement of the pores and development of spots. 

Products I use for my pores
I was previously using Clean and Clear, but I found that the microbeads may have been harsh on my skin, and only use it once per week. I currently mostly using Simple skin care products. 

The product that is a MUST, is my pimple extractor.  I came across the pimple/pore extractor while watching YouTube videos of dermatologists popping spots, I have no idea how I ended up there, but watch if you dare!
I bought my extractor from eBay for 99p! I would recommend buying 2. If you are somewhat unorganised like myself, where I either misplace it, or my darling sister steals it! 

My Regime

- I use Johnson's baby wipes to clean face

- I rinse my face with warm water,  this opening the pores. 

- Next I use the pimple extractor, pressing gently on my nose area. I mainly use the ring end, but really depends on the area. 

- Next I wash my face/nose with the Simple cleanser using the exfoliating massage glove gently. 

- Next I rinse my face with cool cold water- this closing the pores. 

- Dab my face dry with a towel 

- Moisturise skin with lotion

I usually rotate and try and do this about 3 times per week. 
It's important to clean all the products used to prevent the buildup of microorganisms. 

This really helped reduce my pores.

Thanks for reading. 

Any questions feel free to ask!


Hola Madrid!

17:05 Presh_dr 0 Comments

Hola mi amor, 

Last week I had a couple days off hospital and thought- hey, what the heck, let's go Spain!
I had such an amazing time, despite only being there for a couple of days. The weather was much warmer than the current 3 degrees I'm experiencing right now in Liverpool! 

Looking back,  I'm actually pretty surprised that very few people spoke English or were able to speak English. Now I wish I had paid enough attention in my language classes back when I was in secondary school. All I can recall is Hola, Gracias, No Hablo Espanol, and all the basic things I learnt from Dora the Explorer. 
I finally experienced what it is to be an annoying tourist, I was lost 90% of the time and had my face constantly buried in a map. Despite this I most definitely would not change the experience, I loved every second of it. There were many beautiful historic sites, and museums available to visit. Plus, I'm pretty proud that I wasn't my usual lazy bum, and actually left the hotel room. 

I stayed at The Miguel Angel Hotel, one of the most beautiful and luxurious hotel I've ever been. I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking to travel to Madrid. The Hotel package included a buffet breakfast, knowing me and village girl antics, I went with the mission to stuff my face.

The hotel had a spa and indoor pool, which was all great but the only probably was... I can't swim.

Thanks for reading


Gym Wear- keeping it cute & staying fit!

01:13 Presh_dr 4 Comments

Hey lovelies,

Staying fit and health is something I've tried so hard to commit to for such a long time. I love a bit of junk food, 
okay more than a bit. This is actually one of the main reasons why I need to work out, otherwise I may not be able to fit through the door. I'm constantly praying for a flatter stomach and a fatter ass, but to get that I'll need to keep putting in the work. It's so much easier to binge out on junk food, than it is it is to eat a salad and count calories. But somehow I've managed to find a balance. 

I love to treat myself a little now and again, and I do this by having a cheat day per week. Meaning on either friday or saturday, I allow myself to let loose. These are the days I usually go out to dinner with friends, and I buy everything and anything from pizza to Chinese food. 

The whole point of a cheat day is for it to only happen once per week, all other days you have to keep it healthy and clean!

One of the main things that motivates me to head to the gym are cute gym outfits.  
I am a huge fan of all things Nike, and I am constantly buying new gym wear. I'm always looking for bargains; Sports Direct is pretty much my go to store. It's much cheaper than and they pretty much sell the same gym wear. You just have to keep an eye out for the bargains. 

Here's an example:

Nike Pro Indy 

Nike Pro Idy

Next on my shopping list:
All Black err thing- A funeral for my fat!
Nike Graphic Legging, £14.99 / Nike Pro Sports Training Bra Ladies, £16.50 / Nike Swoosh Cap Mens, £9.99 / Voss Artesian Still Water Glass Bottle 800ml, £2.29 / Nike Flex Ladies Trainers, £46.99

In the near future I'm going to post a detailed review on my workout routine. Since the new year I've started a new routine, that I created myself. It's corny but I call it-  KEEPING IT 100! 
Basically meaning I do everything in counts of 100. 
-Running on the treadmill until I burn 100 calories
-100 sit ups
-100 squats with 15kg weights
-100 push up with steps
-100 seconds of planking (R.I.P)

I try to do this minimum 3 times per week.  

Stretching makes a huge difference, I stretch before and after I work out, especially if I want the ability to move after those squats.

Thanks for reading!


1-2 Years Before Applying to Med School

23:03 Presh_dr 1 Comments

Hey lovelies,

I'm going to be rambling on about my personal views on some of the characteristics that I believe are expected from prospective medical students. Plus some of the activities I participated in before applying to med school.

Medicine is a very competitive course and career, the main key is finding ways to standout from other students who have exactly the same grades as you.

Medical students tend to be very good in various areas. Being a medical student is more than just getting the best grades, I believe universities want to see your commitment overall and your ability to cope in this career.  

Taking part in extracurricular activities, volunteering, work experience are few of the basic characteristics that I believed helped boost my application, and eventually got me three interviews (out of 4) and two offers.


I believe showing commitment is looked upon very well. Committing to a charitable organisation, care homes, and services that may not be necessarily related to medicine over a long period of time, would hopefully portray your dedication.  Plus it's always a area you can possibly discuss in your personal statement or med school interviews. Start volunteering early, whether it's orphanages (particularly if you are abroad-Nigeria) or first aid services (e.g. St John's Ambulance). 

I remember one of my teachers stating to me that I need to volunteer for a minimum of 6 months. I highly doubt they reject candidates who volunteer for 7 months instead of 8. If you are concerned about not having enough time to volunteer, you commit to once per week, or whatever suits you best.

Work experience 

Work experience is very important. It gives you a vague idea of what it's actually like to work in the medical field, plus it allows you from early on to see whether this is actually the career for you.  

It's great to shadow doctors and surgeons, but I feel that a better way to show your insight into the healthcare system would be by shadowing other healthcare professionals e.g. nurses, pharmacist, or dieticians. They are an integral part of the multidisciplinary team, which you may be working with in the future.

In one of my med school interviews I was asked- 
'What made you decide to become a doctor? Why not any other healthcare profession?'. 
I more or less said- I have always known that I wanted to work within the healthcare system. However, in order to know the specific career path that I would be committing to, I shadowed  different professionals including nurses, pharmacist, and doctors. From my experiences, I was drawn towards the medical field, largely due to the wide variety of specialities. However, because it would also allow me to take part in research, make diagnosis,  and most importantly be involved in patient care. 

I should hopefully write a piece in the near future about my medical school interviews experience, and how I prepared. 

Extra curricular 

What activities do you take part in school or outside school? For example are you part of a debate team, or any clubs in school that are not compulsory. I was part of a group of students that discussed medical topics once a week, took part in presentations, and had debates. If there is nothing like this at your school, start one! There will be other students who are also pursuing a career in medicine. 


Having a hobby is important, it shows that you are able to have a work life balance. 
I'm going to be completely honest with you, I've always found it a bit difficult to maintain a balance, largely due to my fear of failure. However, I will discuss this in another post.

Have a hobby, enjoy it. Whether it's cooking, knitting, playing an instrument, football, photography, blogging etc. Find something you genuinely enjoy and run with it.

Medical journals 

I found it a bit difficult to find the time to read these journals but I would recommend the Student BMJ, I read this as much as I could. In addition, it helps build your vocabulary despite the myths that interviews (e.g. Multi mini interviews) often got reports from the BMJ. 


These are only extra things to boost your application, the most important things are getting the grades. 

Any questions? Feel free to ask me :)


Camden ft The Blues Kitchen

18:59 Presh_dr 0 Comments

Hey lovelies,

So I decided to do a bit more exploring around London, and decided to visit somewhere different. Somehow I ended up with Camden, due to the fact that it had the American style diner that I've always wanted to go. I literally only left my house knowing that food was going to be the end result, (LOL!), you will all come to realise that I have an obsession with food.

Quirky underestimates the vibe, they are truly dedicated to their love of Punk, Rock or Heavy metal. I felt a tad bit out of place! 
Camden is the home of the late Amy Winehouse.

The Blues Kitchen

It was my cheat day, therefore it was only right for me to stuff my face. 

I ordered from the brunch menu
- Buttermilk Pancakes-short stack
-English breakfast
-Rib & pulled pork combo 

Overall the food was pretty good, and I would most definitely recommend the desserts.

I'm no fashion expert, nor am I a fashion blogger haha. But if you want to know where the clothes I'm wearing are from here they are:

Bomber Jacket- TopMan (They don't have this colour anymore :( )

White shirt- Burton Men
Jeans- Topshop
Boots- JustFab

Thanks for reading!


Deciding to Study Medicine

19:19 Presh_dr 2 Comments

The foremost question I had to ask myself was, why? Why do I want to study medicine?
(It's a tough question!). Is it to "help people"? 
Despite this probably being the most cliché answer in the history of all med school interviews, it was partly one of the reasons that led me to pursue this career.
 I had to genuinely ask myself these question, because medicine is a lifelong commitment that requires full dedication.

Why I decided to study medicine. 

From a young age, let's say around 10, I wanted to become a plastic surgeon. I have no idea what triggered that, but I have always been intrigued by the idea of making a huge impact in people's lives, whether through facial reconstruction for burn victims, or simply to give a woman her dream double D breast!

As I got older I changed my career plans so often, varying from becoming a lawyer to becoming an accountant. I know, there is definitely no association between medicine and these other careers.
It became clear as I went through secondary school, largely because I found my love of sciences (in other words I was a nerd!). Finally, through many work experiences I saw that I did not see myself doing anything else. I shadowed plastic surgeons, maxillofacial surgeons, nurses, dieticians, and pretty much every profession within the healthcare system. From these experiences I saw that I was more drawn towards the medical field and since then I never looked back. 

I know this is silly, but for the longest time I would always say to my mum "It's either I become a Doctor, or a stripper". My mother was not impressed with the latter. It was just a saying, I most definitely was not going to be a stripper (I think), it shows you how adamant I was about becoming a doctor. 

Looking back I realise that I did not have a backup plan, which I definitely would not recommend.  

Your reasons

There is no right answer, be true to yourself. Your decision might be influenced by personal life experiences, or maybe it's the status, or the money. A few people are motivated by TV shows. I personally LOVE Grey's anatomy; Christina Yang I love you, RIP Derek Sheppard! It's always a beautiful day to save lives, but unfortunately or should I say fortunately, medicine is nothing like Grey's anatomy or Scrubs.

Whatever your reasons are, it could be the driving force that keeps you going while pursuing this career.

If you are offered an interview for medical school, your reasons may not be an appropriate answer. It won't go well to say I want to study medicine simply because my parents are doctors. Do not get me wrong, it might have had a big influence for you to pursue this career, but it shouldn't be the sole bases of your answer.

Things to consider before pursuing: 
-You will dedicate a minimum of 5 years in university via the undergraduate route. Through other paths it may be considerably more. Some individuals decide to go through alternative routes, for reasons such as: not being sure whether medicine is for them, or for the unlucky few unable to get admission the first time round.  Following the graduate route can be a minimum of 7 years in university all together. 

- Admissions! Admissions! Admissions!  Not to be the burden of bad news, but medicine is a very difficult course to get accepted into, irrespective of the university you apply to. During the year 2014, there were 84,850 applicants with only 6,820 receiving acceptances into a medical school. This shows you how tough the competition is, the aim is to try everything possible to stand out from the competition!

- It is HARD work, some days studying from dawn to dusk. You'll have your favourite spot in the library,  you may even become acquainted with the library security guards. This isn't everyday, but it's something you should be willing to do. 

- Failing! It sucks. We all have our own personal views on what it is to fail. Whether it's getting a Merit instead of a distinction in a module that you worked so hard in. Or having to resit a paper, or maybe it's re-sitting the year due to personal circumstances. It is possible, everyone in medical is what I consider smart and capable. The course is challenging, and it's most definitely not a walk in the park. There are days where you may want to give up, and days where you actually do give up.  During these hard times, it's great to have a support system to help you get through it.  

- The pay is not extravagant (largely due to being funded via Tax payers in the UK, but in other countries such as America, the pay is considerably more). But let's face it, no one studies medicine for the money (I would hope), but that doesn't mean we shouldn't be rewarded for our hard work and dedication!

-  When you eventually become a doctor the studying does not end. You are continuously learning and are expected to. Having completed my medical finals- Yes! No more studying! I beg to defer. In order to be a good doctor you must continuously keep your knowledge and skills up-to-date, by attending lectures, revision courses, or simply reading a topic you may have learnt over 3 years ago. The learning never ends...  

Lastly, I want to place a bit of positive energy. It might seem impossible, you might feel like you are not good enough, or smart enough. I had one teacher telling me in one ear that she believed I had what it takes to get into medical school. While in the other ear I had another teacher (who wasn't even my teacher) telling me to consider an alternative course. 
The one thing you have to keep in mind is to never let anybody tell you, you cannot pursue your dream career. If you are willing to work, and you have what it takes, in the words of Shia Labeouf- JUST DOOO ITTT!!!

Thanks for reading!

Feel free to ask any questions, would love to hear your thoughts!


London Westminister ft Ping Pong resturant

18:04 Presh_dr 0 Comments

Hey Lovelies,

So, last weekend I decided to get off my butt and do a bit of exploring in london. I also wanted to test out my photography skills, as I recently bought myself a digital camera. But as you can probably tell from the quality of my pictures, there is still a lot of room for improvement!

I decided to head off to Westminster, which is a definite must visit when in london. It's the home of the very popular Big Ben and London Eye.

Despite living in london for such a long time, I've never actually been out to simply enjoy the beautiful scenery. Well, that's probably because I'm the girl that sits at home, eats, and complains about being bored all day!

It took me several attempts to get a decent picture of The Big Ben. I was actually curious about the origins of the name Big Ben. So I asked my little friend google, only to find out the source is unknown. The Big Ben is literally just the nickname given to the clock on the Palace of Westminster (correct me if I'm wrong).

On a side note, I did a presentation in the house of parliament when I was much younger, for one of the charities I worked with. It was only a small audience, but it included members of the parliaments! Unfortunately in those days there were no such thing as a selfie (I probably had a Nokia phone ).

The london Eye! Can we all just take a moment to appreciate the beauty in this picture, not to blow my own horn, but it's actually a pretty decent picture! I've never been on the london eye; I'm not a big fan of heights, but I can enjoy its beauty from a distance... with both my feet on the ground.

More pics

Ping Pong Restaurant.

I literally cannot walk 5 minutes without thinking about I'm going to eat next. I came across this really cute Chinese Dim Sum Restaurant. If you are like me, you may be wondering what the heck dim sum means, It literally means - a Chinese dish of small steamed or fried savoury dumplings containing various fillings. Thank you Google, again.

Overall the restaurant was pretty good.  Out of 5 stars I would give it a 3. 

Thanks for reading 
